Getting a Mortgage Lead Online

Getting a Mortgage Lead Online

If you are a mortgage broker and would want to find a lead the easy way, the internet is a good source. But sometimes you could fall into prey with leads that is not worth your time and effort. Some leads may have data that is not accurate, untrue and incorrect. Other leads are already handed out to other brokers and are not fresh leads.


The first step that you should do is to determine if the lead is fresh. Make sure that he hasn't been "recycled" by other brokers. Also, fresh leads are better if they are with you in real time, meaning they have to be there 48 hours upon user request. Upon the receiving the application, it is better if you act upon it while the user is still interested. The mortgage lead should have all the necessary information like their name, employer information, income, monthly debt and more.


There are some applicants that supply incorrect information. There are types of software that checks if this data is correct. What the software does is to retrieve the applicants' telephone number and check this against the states area code. Although, there is a software like this, inaccuracy still happens.


What you should do is check on mortgage generation lead companies and evaluate on who has employed guidelines about inaccuracy. You can actually find information online dedicated to this type of thing. There are a couple of websites that are dedicated to mortgage lead generation like, and These websites will show you the prices on exclusive leads, non exclusive leads and custom filters. These sites contain all the information on how they work and links to user reviews.


You have to check if the mortgage lead is true and real. To keep away from bogus mortgage leads, make sure that these websites do not offer incentives to customers. These incentives are points for discounts or in a form of money which are given out to clients when they fill out forms for mortgage. Clients who want a mortgage would not fall for this and they would seek out a lender who can do the work for them.