An Honest Look at Finance Books for Women

All of a sudden, there's been a flood of finance books targeted towards women. While this is good in a way, since it shows that more people recognize that women must take a hand in their finances, it also puts women down at the same time.


Why? Finance books in the past were targeted towards men and were dry, dull tomes posing as books. In fact, there were some that loved to use them as bedtime reading. They swore that they were asleep in five minutes flat. But boring as they were, they contained good, sound financial advice that anyone who bothered to read them could use for investing and money management.


But the books directed towards women these days are at the complete end of the spectrum. These are cutesy books, with “chick” illustrations, and information that can be taken off a high-school business textbook.


What's wrong here? Despite Carrie Bradshaw of Sex and the City not being able to handle her finances at all, people tend to forget that it's only television and Sarah Jessica Parker is a money mogul in her own right. Women still tend to get that perception that shopping therapy is the only thing that works, despite the fact that more and more women are climbing up the business ladder and holding positions of great responsibility.


It still can't be denied, though, that women tend to spend, letting the bulk of their income go toward the family members and other needed expenses and putting in less, if anything at all, into their savings. Women still earn less and can spend less of their time working if they decide to raise their children and opt out of the rat race.


These are why females still do need financial advice, but not necessarily coming from a book that looks like a pink jellybean! Women still live longer than men and should take out the time to study more on their finances  and how to manage their money. The market for these books is ready, but authors don't need to make them look like hideaways from the romance section for them to sell.